Reunion and Zul's Wedding..

Zulyanah & Mohd Rizam
Bersama Pengantin
Bersama Pengantin (aku ada sekali)

Here's the story:

Last 6th June, my friends and i went to our friend's (cekidaud balik nama dier kat atas tu) wedding. Well, before that, there was supposed to be a reunion at the scholl at 9.00 a.m. Estimated guests for the reunion was 40 pax. However, it wasn't as much as we had estimated. Some of them arrived late, some of the did not came at all. Maybe they have some works to do or what so ever. So, the reunion starts around 10 or 11 something. I can't remember. We talked about gathering data regarding our batch members. Their name, address, current college or university, contact number and some other important things. Well, it went quite well. After that we went to Zulyanah's house to celebrate her marriage. Luckily, we arrived before she got 'bersanding' (what do you call it in english?)

I carpool with Marzuki. Riding in his Red Yaris. Hehehe..Alhamdulillah, we arrived safely, though some of us got lost a little bit. The color theme of her wedding day is purple. Very nice. Well, i couldn't met her first when I'd arrived. But i did meet his husband Zamri. Since we had met and hang out before, we have no problems interacting with each other. Seriously Zul, your husband is a good guy. From my point of view la.. After having a few talk with Zam, I borrowed Aki's camera and unexpectedly became a cameraman (aki, sorry for using your camera like it was mine.. Hahaha.. Can't help it. :p)

Hehehe... Kereta Aki yg berjasa pd hari tersebut..

Well, i only ate when the brides and grooms (both Zulyanah and her sister got married at the same tim) finished the 'TepungTawar' occasion. I was in there all the time took pictures of this and that. I noticed that their official cameraman staring at me. And I know he's not happy with my presence. Hahaha.. Like I care. It's my friend's wedding. Why can't i take any pictures? At one time, he even said "Sila bagi laluan kepada official cameraman ye" which means "Please give way to the official cameraman". Hell yeah he needs 'a lot of space' to move around, if you get what i mean. If he's that good to become an official photographer, he should be wised enough to find space to shoot right? haish~

It's fun to watch your friend get married. I even go asking some of my friends when will they get married. Hahaha... When they asked me the same question, i'll simply said "Dah kahwin dah, ni tengah cari nk isi nombor 3 plak ni" hahaha..

I tried to upload all of the pictures here, but the internet speed is so damn slow. Slow like $#!t!! (well literally not like $#!t and why the hell did i explain bout this? haih~) Those who are craving for the picture, you guys can go HERE to download. (Aki, if you aren't comfortable with this, tell me and I'll delete the link)

And yeah.. Final exam is over.. 1 paper only.. So, no biggies.. Now, have to prepare for the external verification. After that, everything will be over. Yeah, i'll be waiting for that time to come. And it will only come after 22nd March. Can't wait.. Can't wait..

~Sign out~

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


MK said...

koe... link tu to letak terlebih "/" la... hohoho...
siyes ke photographer tu ckp cm2.. siot gler.... hahaha... pasni nk g mne2 wedding.. pakai tag skali... hahaha....

Anonymous said...

la yeke?
ok2, ak btl kn balik...
em, btl.. mse kt dlm umah..
tu ar, pasni kte wat tag tulis wartawan MANGGA besar2..

raja dyana said...

alah...susah2 awak jd je la official cameraman..berbakti trus pd kawan2..ahaks!

22nd of March???
what's that mean?

Anonymous said...

xnk la.. xberbakat.. :p

em, 22nd tu sy onye external verification...

raja dyana said...

awak taip situ 22nd march...

Tqa Zack :) said...

hye photographer tak bergaji !!
hahah :P