Assalamualaikum w.b.t..
Aku drop by kat blog klas aritu, ternampak plak gmbr dak yus ngan raf... Lame gak x dgr citer dr diorang... Akhirnye ader gak khabar dari diorang..
Abis citer diorang.. Aku ader lebih kurang 2 mggu lagi sebelum final exam aku... Biasenye klu bdk matrik atau IPTA yg len, mesti ngah study gle2... Tapi aku ngn mmbr2 aku sume leh dok relax je... Balik kelas je dok lepak2 smbl main kad, main game, tgk movie... hahaha... cam xder pape je yg nk blku... Mggu depn aku ader test digital ngan physics.. Dua2 'killer' subject siot... Risau mmg risau, tapi mls ar nk stdy... tgk la balik sane isnin nti study la kot...
Em, ari ni aku kuar ngan awek aku... Daripada mggu lepas dok pk nk g ane, tp xtau gak... so, td ktorg g stu tempat yg agak klakar.. hehehe.... Tp, interesting gak. Pastu aku g mp ngan dier.. jejln jap pastu g kat dpn mp tu.. ntah ape ntah name dier... jejln ngan lepak2 kat ctu... Menarik gak tepat tu.. Yang 2nd floor pn besh gak... Ader computer & handphone shops... Interesting... Tp, x bnyk lagi la shop kat ctu... Maybe sbb bru lg kot... Then, aku g jnpe dak ku ngan macan kat MC. lpas tu bru aju hntr awek aku blik... Yg beshnye, lpas aku hntr dier balik je, ujan pn trn ngan lebat... wakakaka... terpaksa la dok kat bus stop... lame gak la... Agak2 ujan da reda aku g umah far8, amik laptop aku... pastu aku pn balik ar umah...
Em, korang tau x pasal ROCK THE WORLD? 16/12 ni konsert ni di adakan lg skali... Sounds like interesting occasion.. So, aku plan nak g ar 16 ari bln ni... Tket dier bharge RM25.. Tp xtau lg,sku ngah final exam kn mase tu... Em, k la aku da xtau nk ckp pe da...
P/S: aku da xtau nk ckp pape da kat blog ni. so if there's anyone who have any idea for me to talk on this blog, feel free to speak...
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 10:48 PM 0 suapbalik
Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
Lame giler ar aku x update blog ni, apatah lagi blog klas... Bukan malas, tapi x tau ape yg nak diperkatakan.. huhuhu.... Em,lepas cuti raye aritu kls aku mule cam biase je kat GMI.. Tapi yg bestnye kls aku ari selasa, rabu & khamis je... Ari len xde klas... hehehe... Besh2! Tapi yg xbeshnye,budak2 "U" sume da cuti sem da,aku ni lmbt lagi...
For your info, my final exam will be start on 11.12 till 18.12... Nearly a month from now... Tapi bukannye ari2 pn aku ader paper.. 11,12,13,14 & 18 jer... huhuhu... On the 11th i'll be sitting for math paper and then english paper on the nest day. On the 13th there will be a German paper for me to face,huhuhu... Physics is on the 14th and last but not leas Digital Study on the 18th...
The subject that i worried da most is physics,and Digital.. have to memorize all da formula for da beams bla...bla...blaaa.... plus has to memorize all da Basic Logic Gates Circuit,Flip flop and bla...bla... for da digital study... those subject can be categorized as "killer"... hahaha...
For the other three subjects,i think i can made it... InsyaAllah... it's kinda interesting learning da german language... it'll twist ur tongue a lil'bit though.. hehehe...
think better stop now... dun have any idea left... c,ya..... daaaaaaaaaaaaa
p/s: i'm going to watch da "Death Note" 2morrow with sum1... really excited to watch da movie... hope it doesn't rain 2morrow... Help me God!!!!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 10:56 PM 0 suapbalik