Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
a lot of things happened this week.. very2 hectic... haih~ sumtimes there are things that we want to have in our life that can't be achieve.. useless to be sad bout it.. "maju terus" said by someone.. let bygone be bygone.. aite? like it or not life must go on... "Nothing is miserable unless you think it is so."
da class time table quite pack.. classes from morning till noon.. sumtimes until night..
da syllabus is getting harder n harder.. calculus is driving me crazy.. network admin make me dizzy... interesting though... had a database class last tuesday night.. almost until ten.. hohoho...
thank god there are sumtimes that makes me enjoy da life and forget bout da hectic week for a while...
however, everyday is a new day.. begin ur day with nescafe? gile ke? caffeine dowh.. not a very good idea to take it every morning... especially, yg ader gastrik... klu nk pecah pert bleh ar minum tetiap pagi.. caffeine is bad.. so is nicotine.. hahaha... terase2... wanted to stop, but hard to do so.. having so much support nowaday.. hope can stop this bad habits a.s.a.p... huhuhu... my thanks to those who are really2 supportive.. am trying to not letting u guys down.. thaks.. danke... arigato...
"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. "
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 12:07 AM 0 suapbalik
Hepi Hari Raya Everyone!!!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....
Aku skang da ader kat umah... br je sampai tadi... Pnat gak ar drive... jgn salah sangka, aku xbawak keta g kolej,k... Ayah aku amik aku kat KL td... Dier g kedah ari selasa aritu sebab adik aku yg blaja kat sane ader wat hal sikit, so warden panggil parent.. Pastu, td maser on da way balik ayah aku amik la aku skali... hohoho... Pastu, aku la yg menggantikan tampat ayah aku yg da penat drive keta.. Bosan pnye pasal aku drive la lelaju from KL to melaka.. jap2, kitorg singgah buka kat kajang... Satay Kajang, of course... Pas solat maghrib n isyak perjalanan pulang ke rumah diteruskan... hehehehe...
Pagi td klas aku dari kol 11 sampai kol 1 jer.. Abis klas aku ters balik umah n tido... hahahaha... penat doh... Pas subuh br tido, pastu kol 11 g klas... hahahaha...
Persiapan raye kat umah aku ni cam ade xde jer... mybe sbb mak ayah aku bz, and xde sape kat umah melainkan mereka berdua... adik2 aku baru je balik semalakot... xpn arini... hahaha... mybe pasni la br wat persiapan, kemas2 umah n sebagainye... Kalau persiapan baju tu, aku raser adik2 aku sumer da siap da... Termasukla aku yg dah penat bershopping ari sabtu yg lepas...
Skang ni, aku nk ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA kepada semua pembaca2 blog aku ni... Aku mintak MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN.. Maafkn lah kalo ader tersalah cakap, perbuatan yg mengguris hati korang sumer... Pastu, aku nk jemput korang datang beraya kat umah aku yg xseberapa ni... ekekeke... tapi, calling2 dulu la sblm nk datang ek... Maklumla, aku balik kg... Xtau raye ke brape br balik sini... Jgn plak la gatal2 tgn nk men mercun mahupun meriam, xkire la meriam buluh ke, meriam tanah ke ape ke... Bahaya utk diri dan kesihatan... Tapi kalo nk men gak, tu korang pnye pasal... At least biler balik umah tu, org kater, "come back in one piece".. hahahaha...
Buat kakak aku yg berada kat US tu, xbesh gak rasenye biler beraya tanpa ko.. Perasan cket blh la ek... Jgn lebih2 la yek,sis.. :p
Utk yus ngan raf yg kat mesir tu, Selamat Hari Raye.. Jgn sedih2 maser raye.. For sure family korang pn teringat kat korang maser raye.. So, juz enjoy yourself during the festive.. be hepi, k...
Buat faiz yg kini berada di India, Gambanteh!!! Selamat ari rayer gak!!! Maaf zahir batin... ader ape2 update pasl Alumni nanti, surely, i'll inform u.. Juz concentrate in your study, and come back as a doctor, so that i can have a free treatment... ekekekeke... grau2 cket... :p
so, hepi hari raya minna!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 1:45 AM 0 suapbalik