4 Hari Lagi.....

Hari ni baru aku dapat dok kat giat ngan aman tanpa sakit perut... Alhamdulillah... Hari ni Ckg. Zul jalankan ujian teori untuk modul dier yang terakhir... Modul tu dier ajarsepanjang minggu lepas. Minggu lepas Aku rasa takde satu hari pun kedatangan aku penuh. Selalunya pagi ade,petang da balik ataupun langsung tak datang. Aku memang cuak ar bile nak wat ujian tu. Tapi, perlahan2 aku wat. Bile ada yang tak boleh nak jawab aku tanya ckg. Dier pun dengan selamba bagi jawapan. Huh. Ape lagi, makin banyak la aku tanye. Tengah2 wat ujian tu,dier suruh berhenti, pergi makan dulu kat dewan. Ada makanan lebih sebab tadi ada lawatan daripada pelati2 Giat dari Perak dengan cikgu2 diorang. Aku makan sikit je,sebab tak nak perut aku sakit. Lepas makan aku terus je masuk kelas balik dan terus sambung menjawab ujian. Cikgu takde masa tu.Apa legi,dak Bai pun da buka nota, aku pun tanye minta ar jawapan daripada dier. Akhirnya,soalan berjaya dijawab sampai habis.

Tengah hari tu aku g main snooker jap ngan dak Lan. Lepas tu aku g tolong dak apis selesaikan hal pinjaman dier. Lama juga. Memula pergi bank,dier nak keluarkan duit. Lepas tu pergi beli stam Lembaga Hasil. Seterusnyaa pergi ke Pejabat Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri untuk "mati stamp". Macam pelik je bunyi. Akhirnya pergi ke pejabat Mara untuk menghantar borang pinjaman tersebut. Dah selesai semua,kitorang pergi minum Lai Chi Kang dekat "Usahawan".
Lepas tu,terus balik Giat.

Masuk je kelas aku nampak dak 'Iffah. Ape ar minah ni,pagi tadi takde, tetibak(care dak iffah sebut) je muncul. Terus lepak dengan dier. Hady pun ade masa tu. Nak tau kitorg cakap pasal pe? Pasal bola. Boleh tahan gak si 'Iffah ni citer pasal bola. Minat kot. Bual punye bual tak perasan jam da pukul 5.15 p.m. Waktu untuk pulang. Aku pun kemas2 la barang dan terus balik. Sampai je kat tempat parking motor, dak Lan cakap tayar motor dier pancit. Aku sruh dier pergi pam tayar sebab dier tak de duit nak tukar tiub. Then, kitorang terus balik.

Sedar tak sedar da tinggal 4 hari je lagi kat Giat. Esok mungkin hari last kalau cikgu nak mengajar. Ckg, Nordin kate nak wat ujian. Hari Rabu ader jamuan akhir Giat. Khamis da convo, takkan la ckg nak mengajar Jumaat nanti. Kejap je rase 6 bulan. Lepas ini masing2 dengan haluan masing2.

Monday, June 26, 2006



Ni aku baru je balik dari giat... td kat giat aku kne gastrik lg ar... pait ar...tp kne mase nak balik td... cuak gak aku takut x leh nk bwk mtr... tapi aku bawak gak pelan2.. akhirnya sampai gak kat umah.... aku xtau ar nape ngan perut aku ni... kjp sakit,kejap x...

Smalam sprti yg aku da bgtau ari tu, aku g test jpj utk lesen keta... Alhamdulillah aku lulus... da ader lesen keta ar skang... senang ar skit...

aku da x tau da nk ngarut pe lagi... korg doa2kn ar sakit aku ni cpt smbh... sblm aku g smbg blajar nnti... klu x ssh ar aku... k ah... Thanx....DAAAAAAA!!!!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Ari ni aku g giat kejap.. kol 9 lebih aku da balik... nape? perut aku sakit ar... kene gastrik... perrgh... korg yg blm raser camne sakitnye gastrik,baik jgn mintak... aku yg kene ni pn tetonggeng-tonggeng tahan sakit... giler ar... sakit giler... aku tau kne gastrik lepas aku g jmpe doktor ari ahad ari tu... tekezut gak aku bile tau yg aku kene gastrik... aku ingtkn gastrik ni sebab x mkn je.. rypenye kalu x jge makan pn blh kene gastrik... so,korg yg blm kene gastrik tu,jage2 la makan korang eh...

Sok aku g test JPJ utk lesen keta aku... mintak2 sok x kene gastrik ar... nak mampos klu tgh bawak keta tetibe sakit perut... ade yg kandas terus nanti... jgan wat pasal ar... KORG DOA2KN AR AKU LULUS EH... malas nak amik 2/3 kali ni... tp klu da kantoi nk wat cmne ek... tpkse ar... tp mintak2 x ar... ader lesen keta leh ar bwk awek aku jejln... huhuhu... nk bwk naik mtr x nk, nk keta je... hehehe... nk best je.... :p pape pn dier tetap awek aku... wakakaka.... k ar aku nk g tido... perut tgh sakit lagi ar... doakan aku cepat sembuh eh.. thanx... keep on supporting me! thanx u guyz... DAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006



Ari ni aku xde tajuk yg nk diperkatakan... Juz nk wat penuh aku nye blog je... Hehehe...
Ari ni giat aku ader wat temuduge terbuka... Sbnrnye dari ari Selasa ari tu da ader temuduge tapi bkn terbuka ar... Ari ni je... Ari last... Sambutannye agak menggalakkan... boleh la...

Sok adalah ari terakhir Zulyanah ngan Syue kat giat... Diorang akan menyambung pelajaran ke IPT... Sedih gak ar... Mane x nye... Sorang member plg rapat aku, sorg lg org plg aku sayang... huhuhu... Pasni keseorangan la... Aku da plan nak kuar ari Sabtu ni ngan diorang.. InsyaAllah ar... Klu jadi... Mane tau pasni x dpt nk kuar ngan diorang lagi... kalo diorg tgh bace ni, good luck & selamat menyambung pelajaran... Aku doakan korg berjaya...

Da abis cite sedih.... Ari ni life aku kat giat cam biase je... Blaja cam biase... Sumenye biase...
Hmmmm.... Aku da x tau nk cakap ape lg ni... So, baik aku stop kat cni sblm aku mule nerapu psl bnde yg bkn2... Thanx bg korg yg sudi melawat blog ni... Teruskan menyokong industri siber tempatan... hahahaha.... DAAAAAAAAAAA........

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Semalam aku ngan dak ku g lawat dak p-da ngan dak wan kat Matrik Londang. Ktorang gerak dalam kol 9.30 pagi... On da way tu,singgah g kedai makan jap. breakfast jap... Ktorg sampai kat matriks tu lebih kurang kol 11.. Sesat jugak ar kat dalam matrik tu... Memule sampai je,trs g kat kafe c, da smpi kt situ baru call dak p-da... dier lak srh g cafe b... ktorg pn dok mencari ar kt ne cafe tu... da mls nak cari, aku pn tanyer ar student kat stu.... maser ktorg lalu nk g cafe tu, dak p-da pn kluar dari blog dier...

So,ktorg lepak kt cafe je lps tu... dak ku call dak wan ajak dier datang skali... x lame pas2 dak wan pn smpi.... hepi giler ar dapat jumpe diorg.. diorg pn hepi gak jumpe ktorg... hehehe... lame gak ktorg lepak sane, smpi nak dekat pkl 4.00 ptg... banyak gak bende yang dibualkan, pasal suasana diorg kat matrik,zaman skola ktorg dan banyak lagi ar... Best!

so,dlm kol 4 aku ngan dak ku gerak balik... penat gak ar... balik terus telentang kat umah... penat2 pn, hepi gak... maybe pasni g lagi kot... sblm masuk blajar nanti.... hehehe.... k ah, sampai sini je.... DAAAAAAA.....

Su,thanx eh blanje minum

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Ari nie aku g Mp ngan dak pian. Memula dak zul pn nak g skali, tapi x jd sbb ader hal peribadi.. hehehe... So, aku ngan pian jer ar yang kuar... Sampai je kat MP, dier ajak g main bowling. Memule nak main 1 frame jer, tapi ble aku da kalah first frame tu aku ajak dier tambah lagi satu frame... hahaha.. Mase frame kedua aku menang... Pian lak x puas hati, dier ajak main lagi satu frame... Aku on je... So, ktorg main lagi satu frame... Aku menang frame ketiga tu,... Nak x nak pian kene trime gak kekalahan tu... Hahaha...

Lepas tu aku g Bumcity ngan pian, nak cari barang... Tgk2 x der barang yang menarik kat ctu... Pas2 aku g Badboy shop kat tingkat 1. Lps beli barang, aku g makan ngan pian... Pastu kitorg balik.... Kejap je ar kat sane... X lame pn... On da way balik tu ujan la plak... Nasib baik ar renyai je.. Kitorg redahkan aje... Lepas anta dak pian aku terus balik umah...

Sbnrnye aku xtau nak ckp pe, tu yg aku dok ngarut ckp psl bende nie...

Isnin nie aku da mule balik blajar kat Giatmara... Sampai hujung bulan nie je.. Pastu da abis da.. Selasa, Rabu, Khamis & Jmaat nie Giat aku ader wat temuduge... Khamis ngan Jumaat plak temuduge terbuka(walk-in interview).

da x tau da aper nak ngarut lagi nie... k ar, sampai sini jer... DAAAAAAAAAA.......

Thursday, June 08, 2006

What Is Network Security?

The networks are computer networks, both public and private, that are used every day to conduct transactions and communications among businesses, government agencies and individuals. The networks are comprised of "nodes", which are "client" terminals (individual user PCs) and one or more "servers" and/or "host" computers. They are linked by communication systems, some of which might be private, such as within a company, and others which might be open to public access. The obvious example of a network system that is open to public access is the Internet, but many private networks also utilize publicly-accessible communications. Today, most companies' host computers can be accessed by their employees whether in their offices over a private communications network, or from their homes or hotel rooms while on the road through normal telephone lines.
Network security involves all activities that organizations, enterprises, and institutions undertake to protect the value and ongoing usability of assets and the integrity and continuity of operations. An effective network security strategy requires identifying threats and then choosing the most effective set of tools to combat them.
Threats to network security include:

Viruses : Computer programs written by devious programmers and designed to replicate themselves and infect computers when triggered by a specific event

Trojan horse programs : Delivery vehicles for destructive code, which appear to be harmless or useful software programs such as gamesVandals : Software applications or applets that cause destruction

Attacks : Including reconnaissance attacks (information-gathering activities to collect data that is later used to compromise networks); access attacks (which exploit network vulnerabilities in order to gain entry to e-mail, databases, or the corporate network); and denial-of-service attacks (which prevent access to part or all of a computer system)

Data interception : Involves eavesdropping on communications or altering data packets being transmittedSocial engineering : Obtaining confidential network security information through nontechnical means, such as posing as a technical support person and asking for people's passwords

Network security tools include:

Antivirus software packages : These packages counter most virus threats if regularly updated and correctly maintained.

Secure network infrastructure : Switches and routers have hardware and software features that support secure connectivity, perimeter security, intrusion protection, identity services, and security management.Dedicated network security hardware and software-Tools such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems provide protection for all areas of the network and enable secure connections.

Virtual private networks : These networks provide access control and data encryption between two different computers on a network. This allows remote workers to connect to the network without the risk of a hacker or thief intercepting data.

Identity services : These services help to identify users and control their activities and transactions on the network. Services include passwords, digital certificates, and digital authentication keys.

Encryption : Encryption ensures that messages cannot be intercepted or read by anyone other than the authorized recipient.

Security management : This is the glue that holds together the other building blocks of a strong security solution.

None of these approaches alone will be sufficient to protect a network, but when they are layered together, they can be highly effective in keeping a network safe from attacks and other threats to security. In addition, well-thought-out corporate policies are critical to determine and control access to various parts of the network.

Monday, June 05, 2006


Yesterday my family and i went to Tanjung Bidara for a holiday... It was saturday... I made a planned with my frenz to go out on that day,sadly i had to cancel it... We arrived there around 11 o'clock... We had our breakfast before we check in at the chalet... After check in, everyone went to the sea except for me... I called Yama Before i arrived,so that evening he came to the chalet... We had a talk for quite a long period... He went home around 6.30 in the evening... That night we had Ikan Bakar for dinner... Made it ourself... Then i went to sleep around 11 o'clock... It's quite boring actually... Then this morning i woke up at 6(approx.)... after finished praying, i went back to sleep... Suddenly i heard a loud noise from outside... What is it? Tsunami? hehehehe.... no lah, just strong winds.... i woke up and went out fram the chalet... i went to the beach and looked at the wave... quite scary... not long after that, the rain start to pour down from the sky... so what will you do if it's raining outside? go inside and sleep la... hahaha... so i continue my sleep until 9 o'clock...

after that we had breakfast and everybody don't wanna go for a swin that morning... including me... so my mother decided to pack and go home at 12 in the afternoon.... from here i think u can tell how boring i am right? I'd rather stay at home and surf the net.... Well, i don't have any idea to write more... Tha's all I think... Quite boring eh? Sorry... Will try to write better next time... Bye now....

Friday, June 02, 2006