As the day gets nearer...

We all getting... errr... should I say excited? Frustrated? or anxious? maybe scared? Hurm.. Let's mix it all up.. And the result? No words can describe how are we feeling as the day for our external verification comes nearer..

Just got the schedule on which group will present on which day. So, my group will be the second group. It's going to happen on Tuesday at 11.30 a.m. and end at 12.30 p.m. Before, I'd requested to be the 1st group, but then, I'm glad that Sry's group going to be first. At least, our group can see how the verifiers are. We really-really hope that they are going to be lenient. They should, because they are receiving RM 500 per-day for the verification. And they have at least 3 days to verifier every group. 3 days!! That's already RM 1500. Why can't I be a verifier.. haih~

Someone asked me to go to Putrajaya tomorrow. For a photo shoot. Of course, i'm not the one involve in the photo shoot. I was asked to go and just watch. You guys can close your mouth already.. Tomorrow is the 2nd photo shoot for this someone. The 1st happened in Tg. Malim. Next will be in Putrajaya, some where around Precint 2. So, we'll see if i manage to go there tomorrow. hehehe...

There'll be 2 farewell party by the end of this month. IE Leagues and All Semester 6. I think I'll attend the Ie Leagues party. But the other one.. Hurm.. Maybe not.. I'm broke right now. The party will cost around RM 35 per person. It's an all white party. U need to wear white from top till bottom. But still, other colors are okay. It's not that strict. Still, i don't think I'll go for it. However, it's a waste if i didn't go. haih~ What to do.. Forget about it already lah..

My sister is coming home next week. I'm going to KLIA to fetch her. But i still don't know at what time will she arrive. Haih~

I'm in Dilemma.. Woooo~ Such a strong word eh? hahaha... Let it be that way for the meantime... I'm going to look at it again after the External Verification. =)

~sign out~

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mix this and that = New Post

Muke Hepi Naik Yaris Merah.. Hahaha...

Ok, I don't really have anything to write this time. The main purpose of this entry is to upload a few more pictures from Zul's wedding and the reunion. I know it's kind of hard to download it, at least for me it's hard due to the speed of the internet over here is quite slow. Haih~ So, there goes my picture for starting. Hahaha.. Ok, To those who wants to condemned the pictures, rather than voice it out, it'll be better if you guys just keep it to yourselves. Thank You. hehehe... 

The final examination is finished already. We're waiting for the external verification now. I was just informed that it will begin in 22nd June and finish in 24th June. 3 days. Only 1 group will present on 22nd, 2 groups on 23rd and another 2 groups on 24th. I need to go back to Malacca on the 23rd so, it'll be fantastic if our group get to present on the 22nd or 23rd. After that, we can go back until 13th July, where we have to come back to GMI. The documentation need to be covered with the hard-cover-stuff.

And it's unlikely that I'll be able to pursue my degree starting from this July. MIIT's staffs said that we need our sem 6 results for transfer credit process what-so-ever. haih~ What am i going to do for the remaining 6 months while waiting for the January intake? Work? Where? Haih~ I'm going to take the NCLP and Oracle Certificate. The total cost for the those certs are RM 1800. Huhuhu.. If failed, add up another RM 200 to re-take the exam. Money!!! 

Shuk, Fizi, Me, Tam and Bon

I have some sort of mock-up presentation this Thursday. haih~ Been working through the system for a while. Am trying to understand how it actually runs. 

My sister is coming home this 22nd June. After travelling to almost all over the world, she finally found the way back to Malaysia. Hahaha... Kidding2.. But sis, i do expect something from Spain. Hehehehe...

The rest of this post will be filled with pictures. Enjoy!!

Me N wan

Yaris and Camera Owner (Aki)

Ctm N Fida

Shuk, Pian n Daus

Ctm, Fida, Shuk n Me


Hahaha... Yg Baju merah tu namenye Erin.

Kepala wan, mata aku, pian, ecah, syafi, erin, maya, wani

Pasangan pengantin. Kiri tu akak zul, kanan tu zul.

Special pose drpd suami Zul, Zam

Farid (malu-mlu) hahaha..

lelaki: Ijat n Ku

Ecah, Norai ngan sape ntah yg xpndg camera tu.

Fariza, hajar, Nisa'

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Reunion and Zul's Wedding..

Zulyanah & Mohd Rizam
Bersama Pengantin
Bersama Pengantin (aku ada sekali)

Here's the story:

Last 6th June, my friends and i went to our friend's (cekidaud balik nama dier kat atas tu) wedding. Well, before that, there was supposed to be a reunion at the scholl at 9.00 a.m. Estimated guests for the reunion was 40 pax. However, it wasn't as much as we had estimated. Some of them arrived late, some of the did not came at all. Maybe they have some works to do or what so ever. So, the reunion starts around 10 or 11 something. I can't remember. We talked about gathering data regarding our batch members. Their name, address, current college or university, contact number and some other important things. Well, it went quite well. After that we went to Zulyanah's house to celebrate her marriage. Luckily, we arrived before she got 'bersanding' (what do you call it in english?)

I carpool with Marzuki. Riding in his Red Yaris. Hehehe..Alhamdulillah, we arrived safely, though some of us got lost a little bit. The color theme of her wedding day is purple. Very nice. Well, i couldn't met her first when I'd arrived. But i did meet his husband Zamri. Since we had met and hang out before, we have no problems interacting with each other. Seriously Zul, your husband is a good guy. From my point of view la.. After having a few talk with Zam, I borrowed Aki's camera and unexpectedly became a cameraman (aki, sorry for using your camera like it was mine.. Hahaha.. Can't help it. :p)

Hehehe... Kereta Aki yg berjasa pd hari tersebut..

Well, i only ate when the brides and grooms (both Zulyanah and her sister got married at the same tim) finished the 'TepungTawar' occasion. I was in there all the time took pictures of this and that. I noticed that their official cameraman staring at me. And I know he's not happy with my presence. Hahaha.. Like I care. It's my friend's wedding. Why can't i take any pictures? At one time, he even said "Sila bagi laluan kepada official cameraman ye" which means "Please give way to the official cameraman". Hell yeah he needs 'a lot of space' to move around, if you get what i mean. If he's that good to become an official photographer, he should be wised enough to find space to shoot right? haish~

It's fun to watch your friend get married. I even go asking some of my friends when will they get married. Hahaha... When they asked me the same question, i'll simply said "Dah kahwin dah, ni tengah cari nk isi nombor 3 plak ni" hahaha..

I tried to upload all of the pictures here, but the internet speed is so damn slow. Slow like $#!t!! (well literally not like $#!t and why the hell did i explain bout this? haih~) Those who are craving for the picture, you guys can go HERE to download. (Aki, if you aren't comfortable with this, tell me and I'll delete the link)

And yeah.. Final exam is over.. 1 paper only.. So, no biggies.. Now, have to prepare for the external verification. After that, everything will be over. Yeah, i'll be waiting for that time to come. And it will only come after 22nd March. Can't wait.. Can't wait..

~Sign out~

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Express Update

Dun really have a lot of time to write so much now. Express update it will be for this post:
  1. I forgot Dayah's wed last 30th May. I thought it was on the 30th June. I'm so sorry Dayah, though i noe she won't read dis. But, wish u n your husband live happily ever after and get more kids.. tons of them.. hehehe...
  2. The internal verification will start dis Tuesday. My group will present on Wednesday. I think we'd finished everything that is needed for this Wednesday, except for 1 thing. I haven't explain our project to Ms. Safrina (our english verifier). Need to find some time before Wednesday. 
  3. Final exam will start on 8th June. Only one paper though. Ni biggy.. 
  4. External verification will be two weeks after internal verification. Haih~
  5. We need to re-check the slides and the documentation. Honestly, i can't let Paan do it alone. Though, he had finished it already. But still need to re-check for any silly errors. Which i'm sure there'll be quite a lot. Hahahaha.. [Lantak ko la paan kalo nk mrh pon...]
  6. Need to find a suitable date to go out with Dyana and Mien [suke le tu name korang aku sebut dlm post ni. tgk, bz2 pn ak ingt gak kt korang tau =p], since i'd canceled our previous 'day out'. Not that i did it on purpose, it's quite hectic during that time. To those two, i'll find some time for us for sure. So, wait just a little bit more ya.
That's all i think. U guys, please pray for me and wish me luck for my internal and external verification, and my final exam too. I really2 need it... 
~sign out~

Monday, June 01, 2009