Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
It's nearly 12 a.m. now.. Which means, bubye 2007 and welcome 2008!! Gosh! Can't believe how fast did da time passed.. Tup..Tup.. It's already the end of the year 2007.. Well, there're so many things happeed in 2007.. Happy and sad.. No matter what, we should alwez remember that when the goings get tough, only the tough get going.. Means that we are all tough.. Managed to overcome da problems we met during dis year... And gladly, we are now entering da new year.. Weeee~ Let us all thank The Mighty Allah S.W.T. for the blessing, happines and time that He gave to us all.. Syukur Alhamdulillah!!! And dun forget to pray for a better n happy life for dis new year.. Wish all of u a Happy New Year 2008!!!
Hopefully, da oil, flour and txc. price won't increase anymore.. Hope dat some of da minister will at least try to use their brain before making any decision.. Hahahaha... Try to lower da oil's price.. Dun raise da tol's fee.. Ingat mak bapak kitorg cap duit ke? Mengong.. Sume nk naik, bile je nk turun? Suh ltak jwatn br tau.. Badigol soot tol.. Huh~~ Kalo kate nk nek kn allowance kitorg tu best gak ar dgr... Hahahaha...
~sign out~
Here Comes 2008!!
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 11:49 PM 2 suapbalik
Lalala... kerja...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
The title of dis post is almost da same as da title of Meet Uncle Hussein's song aite? hehehehe... Surely it's related to what am i going to write in dis post.. It's bout my work.. haih~ Dunno how to describe it.. Sumtimes it's quite boring, well, most of da time memg boring.. Kekdg tu smpi ngntk2 wat keje.. Imagine dis, i'm an IT person, working in sort of electrical n electronic company... Da mcm suh itik pegi membajak kat sawah... hahaha... da difference is, i'm not an itik.. N i'm working in an office, not sawah.. Haih~
I think i'm going to stop working at the end of dis month.. Dpt gaji je stop la... hehehehe... Then, want to enjoy wif my friends before da new semester begin.. Kind of miss my frens... A lot.. They asked me to go out wif them tomorrow... However, i can't.. Have a futsal tournament tomorrow.. hohoho... Besh2... Tp men ngan bdk2 skola... My lil bro's frens.. hehehe... Xpela, redah kn ajer..
Yeah, bout da project in Johor.. Sadly, da project had finished last week.. N da only workers dat'll go to Johor is da maintenance guys.. That's bcoz da project is still in warranty.. huhuhu... Kne la standby... So, most probably i wont go there... Haih~
~sign out~
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 11:55 PM 1 suapbalik
Home Sweet Home ea?
Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
Yeh, i'm home now... Back to my hometown... But i ain't gonna stay at home for a long time... Got a job already... As a temporary worker.. I'll start working tomorrow.. Tomorrow and saturday, i'll be working here in malacca.. Start from monday, they'll send me to Johor.. The company have a project running over there.. They need to setup a wireless networking and CCTV at Malaysia-Singapore's border.. huhuhu... Kinda big project.. I'll see what i can do there.. Act, i kinda feel excited yet scare of it.. Dunno what actually a person like me can do over there.. Guess i'll be an amateur worker there.. Oh yeah, da best part is, i'll be staying in Johor from Monday untill Friday.. Will only come back on Friday night.. Huhuhu... My mom still dunno bout this.. xP Yeah, well except for this coming week, surely i won't stay there until friday.. Why? Next week is Raya Haji beb... Xkn nk raye kt sne kot... Act, xkesa sgt pn raye kt sane... hahaha.... At least, dpt gak rase braye jauh dr family... Jauh ke? Ntah le...
As i expected, holiday is boring.. Thanx god i got a job.. but i dunno whether i'll like it or not.. huhuhu... Well, it's only 3 weeks time.. No sweat... I think.. hahaha... Since tuesday, i'd done nothing here at home.. Juz play football every evening and lepak2 wif my friends during night.. huhuhu... Borinsg is da best word to describe my holiday... haih~
well, it's already 5.50 p.m.. Got to go to da fiels... Wait for my next post on my working experience.. huhuhu... Think it'll be a lil bit lenghty... hehehe... till then, bye....
p/s: oh yeah! please pray so dat i'll like my work over there... Wish me luck u guys...
and yeah, mat!! hang p tukaq name aku la ni gak.. Hang memg nk kne ngan aku!!!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 5:33 PM 1 suapbalik
Futsal + Pizza = Huargh!!!
din a.k.a adik bang zai... xp
yg bj oren tu mat zaini, yg knan tu gf dier, yg 'blur' tu farid
huhu.. pizza!!!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 8:10 AM 4 suapbalik
The End~
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....
It's 10.24 in the morning... Juz finished my last paper juz now.. It's DBMS.. I can say that it was quite easy... There're no question that we'd never seen before... So, I supposed that's a good reason why i should score a high mark for it.. InsyaAllah...
~end of serious tone~
Wey, da abis exam tu.. hahahaha... Besh2... Overall, i can say that this sem;s papers aren't that tough compared to the last sem... InsyaAllah 3 poitner n above won't b a problem.. :D Everyone went out early juz now.. Nobody seems to be having a harsh time answering da question.. It's a great atmosphere back then.. Everyone came out wif a hepi face.. And it's da last paper.. They should be happier i think.. hahahaha....
Am going for futsal this eve.. huhuhu... It had been such a loooong2 time since da last time we played.. hohoho... cian kt kasut aku tu.. sedh dier aku xgne pakai pn... hahaha.. xpa2... dis eve bleh pki abis2... LoL~
I'm waiting for sumthing from sum1 today.. Sumthing don't refer to thing.. it refers to words.. That's what she said... huhuhu... Da only things dat keeps bohering me for the whole week.. Am expecting for it today.. Xbgtau c.ap la... hahahaha....
wey,korg yg xadd aku kt ym lg tu, add ar.. boring seh on YM tp xde nk chat ngan sape2.. hahaha...
~sign out~
Friday, December 07, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 10:23 AM 0 suapbalik
Study mode ea??
Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
It's da first day of da final exam.. hurm.. Got network programming paper jz now.. start at 8.. huhuhu.. studied until 2 last night.. trying to sleep after dat, but could only sleep at 4 a.m.. Haih~ Tomorrow's paper will start at 11.. Network Administration.. Will have a crash course on it tonight.. start at 8 p.m.. Will learn the tips n tricks.. hehehe.. hopefully, it'll help 4 2mrow..
Believe it or not, i juz finished watching Notting Hill juz now.. Watched it severalt times.. hehehehe.. Not in dat so call "study mode" actually.. LoL~ Well, again2 n again, da movies is splendid.. A omantic movie played by Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant.. She's so charming n adorable... xD like it very much...
~sign out~
Monday, December 03, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 1:16 PM 0 suapbalik
28 Nov 2007, 2342..
Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
Da bowling's tournament sucks.. Haih~ Juz managed to play on the first day.. We lost.. Huhuhu... Didn't get any hamper.. Went back wif nothing.. Huhuhu... Well, there's no other things to look forward to.. Juz a few tests and classes before final exam.. Haih~
Juz finish my class.. Da only class for today. Supposed to have a DBMS test dis evening.. Unfortunately, my lecturer got a fever... So, da test will be done during da next class... Tomorrow's class will begin at 2.. Finish at 10.. Only one class for such a long period.. Haih~ Got 2 assignments to be finished.. Haih~ Damn Hectic sem... hohoho...
~sign out~
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 11:39 PM 2 suapbalik
Untitled VII
Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
It's already 4 a.m. now.. It's not dat i couldn't sleep.. Juz dun feel like sleeping now.. hehehe...
Finished my Mathematics test yesterday. Quite hard and haven't enough time.. Well, all i can do now is juz pray to get a high mark on it.. Huhuhu... Got a DBMS class last night.. Haih~ Finished at 10 p.m. Done nothing much during da class.. Juz key in some data into da Database, surf the net.. Approved some comment and friends on friendster. hehehe...
Am waiting for tomorrow to become today.. Got a bowling tournament.. Hohoho... Been practised a lot wif my teammates. Hoping to go further than the previous time. The last time GMi held a bowling tournament is during my 1st semester. We managed to qualified until final and got 2 hampers. Sadly we ended in 9th place. Not so sad though. So, we're hoping for a better result dis time.. Have my own aim though.. hehehehe...
After da tournament, everyone will be in study mode.. Final exam is juz around da corner.. Sir Azman's short course will be on next Thursday.. Can't wait.. hehehehe... Am struggling for new chapter in programming. Web Programming.. Juz started last wednesday.. Need to finished it at least next week. Plus test and assignment.. A really2 hectic sem it's.. Haih~
Got no class tomorrow. Still guessing what should i do for tomorrow. Study? Sleep? hehehe... Wait till tomorrow. Hurm..
Friday, November 23, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 4:02 AM 0 suapbalik
Untitled VI
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....
I'm studying for my Network Programing's test after dis.. Haih~ Juz got da hint for what will be questioned in da test.. Da test wil start at 3 p.m.. Basically, all da things that'll be questioned in da test had been covered during other classes.Kind of forgot some of it.. Huhuhu... Now, have to re-study to recall all da things dat we'd learned..
haven't study for math yet.. Da test will be on this thursday. Haih~ Next week we have practical test for Database Management System. Expecting dat da practical test won't be so hard, since we had all memorised da command. Juz waiting for da day of da test..
I'm not coming back home until final exam. thought of going back home this weekend,but suddenly i remember dat i have a Bowling Tournament this coming Saturday.. Haih~ Am anxious though.. hehehehe... Will face da final exam in another 2 weeks time. hohoho... Spooky~ LoL~ Da subject that bother me da most is Math. Juz Math.. Hohoho.. This is suppose to be our last semester learning math. Am hoping for a good result. InsyaAllah...
Am hoping all of u guys 2 pray for me during my final exam.. Though it's stil early, but please.. :)
Pray for my success, our success.. :) My thanks to those who prayed for me.. Keep on praying.. :)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 11:12 AM 0 suapbalik
Untitled V
Assalamualaikum wb.t...
Got 3 tests dis week.. 2 on DBMS (Database Management System) and 1 on Network Programming... All da test were quite easy.. Managed to finished on time... Math test is waiting next week... Haih~ Math? Engineering Math? Calculus? Quite hard... Huhuhu... Need to struggle more to succeed... Well, my groups managed to finished our English project on time.. Both presentation and the products we invented.. Fantastic..
I'm not feeling ok lately.. It's not that i'm having a ever or sick.. Dunno how to say it.. Haih~ So many things been playing in my mind lately.. Tried to throw all of it away.. Buy.. Haih~ Final exam is juz around da corner.. Have to overcome this problem A.S.A.P...
A friend of mine asked me, do i believe in true love? WTF? Dunno.. Maybe.. Maybe there's no such things as true love.. maybe there's... hohoho...
Am not hepi rite now.. Feel like killing myself.. Hohoho... Of coz, i won't do it... What should i do? For those who thought of asking me to go n pray an what so ever, u can keep ur opinion... I noe that.. Other than that should be ok... huhuhu... Haih~ So damn hard things!!! HArd Life... Evrything's so hard... Haih~
well, C'est La vie... haih~
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 6:30 PM 0 suapbalik
Untitled IV
Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
It's raining out there... I'm in malacca now.. Went back here last wednesday.. Thanx to my friend, azam, i can safe my money.. He drived me n peci back all the way from KL.. Left us at Melaka Sentral... My dad pick me up there... Streamyx at my house here sucks!!! The ADSL always blinking which mean the line is not stable.. Always blinking... Very sickening.. Am going to meet my teachers at Giat Mara tomorrow... Had been a long time since my last visit...
Chat wif faiz yesterday.. he seems to be ok there. well of coz, all of u can know more bout him through his blog... Haven't heard any news from Raf for such a long time.. Yus told me that she juz moved into a new house... Still have no internet access yet..
Been wondering how to finish our English project.. The proposal's already done.. Now, my groups have to figure how to construct or build the project.. weirdo... The propsal is ready, but not the project... Hahahaha... which means there are things that's not right in the proposal... well, we need to make everything that we wrote in the proposal become real. Hahaha... Our lecturer didn't realise it.. LoL~
Am worry bout the Network Admin's class.. Da new To always cancel the class.. She's so depending on Sir Azman.. She kept saying " I stil can't contact him. I can't send him an email, coz i haven't pay my streamyx's bill." and " He haven't reply my email yet".. hello!!!! He had replied my fren email 3 times already... Haih~ Excuses... However Sir Azman said he will make a one day class after he return from Australia.. Poor him... had resigned, but still have to come and teach.. But, it's a really2 good news for all of us.. We almost lost our faith in GMi or should i say this course.. huhuhu... Some of us feel like that.. It's not juz me,k..
Our final wil be on 3 of december... Not too near yet not so far... hohoho... Aiming for a higher pointer of course.. Am trying to get more than 3.... InsyaAllah... Amin... At least higher than last sem.. :p Hurm.. Should say at least 3... :D
Friday, November 09, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 12:03 AM 0 suapbalik
Untitled III
Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
Went to KLCC yesterday.. Went back at almost 11, i almost miss the last train.. hehehe... Thougth of walking since i was in the KLCC... Thank god there's a train when i arrived.. haaah.. quite relieved back then...Arrived at Pandan Jaya around 11.40.. Had to walked b'coz there're no taxi.. Took me mre than half-an hour to reach home.. Only met my housemate near the hous.. hahahaha.... Wel, went to KLCC and watch the movies '9 September'.. Hurmm... Not so boring nor exciting.. Quite ok la..
Then,went to the Petronas Gallery.. Some kind of artworks exhibitions held there.. Until the 2nd Dec.. Well, i noe nuthing bout art actually.. Juz went there and watched all of the artwork.. There are things that look so weird.. hehehe... We went into a sections which is quite dark.. All of a sudden, my companion shout.. It really2 make me shocked.. At the dark secton, there are 2 faces of a women on the wall.. Shootout from a projector... kind of scary.. hehehe...
After dat, we hang out at the fountain-look-alike... Watched at the sky.. hehehe.. jiwangla plak... LoL~ Remember bout da "curiosity" dat i told in my last post.. Curiosity ea? hehehe.. Well i'd spilt it out yesterday... Kind of relieved, but.. Haih~ Well, can't expect it to solved on the spot.. Maybe it will take some times.. Think I'LL WAIT...
Went to sleep at 4 a.m. last night.. So many things been wondering in my mind.. Couldn't sleep well... Hurmm... Maybe it'll be alright in another few days or weeks.. Hope so..
well, think i'll stop now... bubye...
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 12:03 PM 0 suapbalik
Labels: hepi or sad? huhuhu...
Untitled II
Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
It's already 4.45 a.m. now.. My class finished at 10 p.m. 2day, or should i say yesterday? Which is which? Guess u guys undrestand what am i trying 2 say here... Well i add a new lnk here in my blog.. Can't find it? Of coz.. Try 2 click on Mustaqeem.. Yup2.. It's wak's new blog.. He called me the other day which i couldn't remember when.. hehehe... He's been wondering sumthing bout da blog.. Couldn't help him much back then.. I was in a middle of a class.. Sori ya wak!!! Suh ko call balik mlm tu ko xcall plak.. Hampeh~ :p
Went to the cinema last saturday. Watched Otai.. Hilarious.. Saiful Apek is da actor of da movie.. Wut do u expect? hehehe... The movie was fun, so was the time spent.. Thanx to the person who accompanied me back then... At least i had someone who willing to listen when i blabbing :)
Hurm... Been wondering bout sumthing lately.. Curiosity i can say... Dunno whether it's appropriate or not... Haih~ There was a time when i decided not to think bout it, but i keep bugging me... Huhuhu... Maybe i should find a quick solution for it... Someone ask for my opinion about a long distance relationship... Wanna know my opinion? Risky... Why? Anticipate it yourself le... :p There's another question which unfortunately i forgot.. huhuhu...
Broke up wif my gf on the 21st last month... hohoho... Quite a long time ea? Been wondering whether i should write this here.. Well, wtf! I got nothing to lose if i wrte it... Wrote it already aite? hehehe... A 'friend' of mine asked me about my life as a single... hehehehe.. Independence.. Dun have to ask permission for this and that.. Can go out wif anyone ( anyone here doesn't mean " a lot of" or sort of. Think +ve!!!).. Dun have to worry that i would hurt my gf feelings anymore coz i dun have any (currently :p)... As a culmination, life as a single is much simpler though borng sumtimes.. hahaha.. u noe wut i mean.. but, life is life.. As a matter of fact, single or couple didn't have much different.. As long as u noe how to handle it, then it'll be fine... hahha... talking like a dumb@$$... feel like one... Only when writing bout this topic.. hahaha...
Hey, have a good news... For me n some of u.. Maybe not for everyone... Managed to control my smoking habit a lil nowadays... Haven't stop yet.. Still on my way... Haih~ keep trying and trying though... A fact that maybe all of u noe, i can assure u that every smokers know how hazardous and dangerous smokings are... But, still 'we' find it hard to stop.. Why? Even i dunno the answer.. It really is a backbreaking effort.. huhuhu... Well, like sum people said " Sume ni bergantung pada hati sendiri" Easier to be said than to be done.. But, i'll take that as an advice and guidance.. hohoho....
Hurm.. Dunno what more to write.. Until we meet again!!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 4:38 AM 0 suapbalik
Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
a lot of things happened this week.. very2 hectic... haih~ sumtimes there are things that we want to have in our life that can't be achieve.. useless to be sad bout it.. "maju terus" said by someone.. let bygone be bygone.. aite? like it or not life must go on... "Nothing is miserable unless you think it is so."
da class time table quite pack.. classes from morning till noon.. sumtimes until night..
da syllabus is getting harder n harder.. calculus is driving me crazy.. network admin make me dizzy... interesting though... had a database class last tuesday night.. almost until ten.. hohoho...
thank god there are sumtimes that makes me enjoy da life and forget bout da hectic week for a while...
however, everyday is a new day.. begin ur day with nescafe? gile ke? caffeine dowh.. not a very good idea to take it every morning... especially, yg ader gastrik... klu nk pecah pert bleh ar minum tetiap pagi.. caffeine is bad.. so is nicotine.. hahaha... terase2... wanted to stop, but hard to do so.. having so much support nowaday.. hope can stop this bad habits a.s.a.p... huhuhu... my thanks to those who are really2 supportive.. am trying to not letting u guys down.. thaks.. danke... arigato...
"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. "
Friday, October 26, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 12:07 AM 0 suapbalik
Hepi Hari Raya Everyone!!!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....
Aku skang da ader kat umah... br je sampai tadi... Pnat gak ar drive... jgn salah sangka, aku xbawak keta g kolej,k... Ayah aku amik aku kat KL td... Dier g kedah ari selasa aritu sebab adik aku yg blaja kat sane ader wat hal sikit, so warden panggil parent.. Pastu, td maser on da way balik ayah aku amik la aku skali... hohoho... Pastu, aku la yg menggantikan tampat ayah aku yg da penat drive keta.. Bosan pnye pasal aku drive la lelaju from KL to melaka.. jap2, kitorg singgah buka kat kajang... Satay Kajang, of course... Pas solat maghrib n isyak perjalanan pulang ke rumah diteruskan... hehehehe...
Pagi td klas aku dari kol 11 sampai kol 1 jer.. Abis klas aku ters balik umah n tido... hahahaha... penat doh... Pas subuh br tido, pastu kol 11 g klas... hahahaha...
Persiapan raye kat umah aku ni cam ade xde jer... mybe sbb mak ayah aku bz, and xde sape kat umah melainkan mereka berdua... adik2 aku baru je balik semalakot... xpn arini... hahaha... mybe pasni la br wat persiapan, kemas2 umah n sebagainye... Kalau persiapan baju tu, aku raser adik2 aku sumer da siap da... Termasukla aku yg dah penat bershopping ari sabtu yg lepas...
Skang ni, aku nk ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA kepada semua pembaca2 blog aku ni... Aku mintak MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN.. Maafkn lah kalo ader tersalah cakap, perbuatan yg mengguris hati korang sumer... Pastu, aku nk jemput korang datang beraya kat umah aku yg xseberapa ni... ekekeke... tapi, calling2 dulu la sblm nk datang ek... Maklumla, aku balik kg... Xtau raye ke brape br balik sini... Jgn plak la gatal2 tgn nk men mercun mahupun meriam, xkire la meriam buluh ke, meriam tanah ke ape ke... Bahaya utk diri dan kesihatan... Tapi kalo nk men gak, tu korang pnye pasal... At least biler balik umah tu, org kater, "come back in one piece".. hahahaha...
Buat kakak aku yg berada kat US tu, xbesh gak rasenye biler beraya tanpa ko.. Perasan cket blh la ek... Jgn lebih2 la yek,sis.. :p
Utk yus ngan raf yg kat mesir tu, Selamat Hari Raye.. Jgn sedih2 maser raye.. For sure family korang pn teringat kat korang maser raye.. So, juz enjoy yourself during the festive.. be hepi, k...
Buat faiz yg kini berada di India, Gambanteh!!! Selamat ari rayer gak!!! Maaf zahir batin... ader ape2 update pasl Alumni nanti, surely, i'll inform u.. Juz concentrate in your study, and come back as a doctor, so that i can have a free treatment... ekekekeke... grau2 cket... :p
so, hepi hari raya minna!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 1:45 AM 0 suapbalik
Puasa la wei...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
Skang ni da pukul 2.30 a.m.. Aku xleh nk tido ler... Sejak 2menjak ni asik tido lambat jer... kol 2 la paling awal aku leh tido... Sok 2 klu ader klas, confirm ngantuk nye... Tp xde la sampai tertido dlam kelas...
Hurm, skang ni aku kt umah... Which means, umah kat melaka... Ari khamis aritu aku balik... Skang ni da hari ke-3 dalam bulan ramadhan... So, cmne korang sumer? Pose stakat ni penoh x... Alhamdulillah la kalau penuh... Kekalkan la yek smpai habis ( bagi yg laki la... ekekeke)... Terawih plak cmne? hohoho... Aku dgr ader yg da terkantoi la plak... huhuhu... Aku plak setakat ni Alhamdulillah la penoh lg... Xtau la lepas mid term ni nanti cmne... Kelas aku agak pack lepas mid term ni nanti.. huhuhu.... Jadual & subjek2 yg baru...
By the way, minggu depan aku da mule exam utk mid term... wlaupun hanya 3 subjek... Tapi, subjek2 dier bleh tahan stress gak la... huhuhu... Isnin aku test Java.. Programming... hohoho... subjek yang paling aku lemah... xtau nape... bukan aku je yang lemah... Majoriti classmate aku lemah dalam subjek ni... Haih~ Rabu plak test Network Protocol... kalau aku xsilap la... haa... yang ni pun leh tahan gak susah subjek dier... da macam math... calculation bnyk... pastu menghafal pn bleh tahan banyak gak ar... Tp subjek ni adalah core subjek utk course aku ni, so nk ke xnk ke kene gak fhm.. lastly, ari khamis ader paper Math a.k.a calculus... huhuhu... subjek ni xsusah sangat & xsenang sangat.. dalam erti kata len, moderate.. So, korang sume wish me luck ... doakanla aku dapat jwab sume paper tu ngan cemerlang ye...
Hurm,aku nk sentuh pasl satu isu ni... erm,pasl isu bajet 2008... Sekolah di Malaysia da jadi percuma... Huhuhu... Bile aku bincang ngan kawan aku pasal ni, ader yg cakap bende ni bagus dan betul2 membantu rakyat... Ada gak yang cakap, mesti ader udang di sebalik maggi ni... "entah2 harge minyak nak nek lagi kot", kate kawan aku tu la... Pape pn, wat maser skang ni aku raser bende tu memang elok sgt2 la... Keluarga yang kurang mampu pn bleh je hntar anak diorg g skool... Xyah nk pk pape da... Juz pk pasl alat tulis dan sebagainye... pastu disebabkan diorang mewajibkan aktiviti beruniform, bg keluarga yg betul2 kurang mampu, anak2 diorang akan dibekal kan ngan pakaian unit beruniform yg diorg join tu... Hurm, satu lg kebaikan utk rakyat... Tp, kalau diorang nek kan lagi subsidi minyak, mungkin lg best kot... huahuahua... weh, aku trase gak ooo bile harge minyak nek... hehehe....
Ni plak pasal buke pose reramai yg aku cadangkan dulu... Huhuhu... Nampaknye, majlis tu cam xleh je nk wat sblm raf fly balik... huhuhu.... Raser kecewa la plak... Xdpt bnyk respon ler... Mybe sebab ramai yg xcuti... atau pn rmi yg xtau, sbb aku xsms pn korg2 ni... weh, aku bkn kedekut kredit, tp aku ngah sengkek skang ni... huhuhu... Top up pn kekadang je siot... Cmne la aku nk mesej reramai... Kang buatnye yg sorg ni tnye soklan len, yg ni pn tnye lagi... huhuhu... payah gak nk reply tu... Kang xreply kang takut ader yg kecik ati, klu reply, aku plak yg pokai... huhuhu... so, aku amik jalan penyelesaian yg agak tepat la.. Xyah sms... hohoho... Malanga skali, bile xsms respon nye menduka citakan... Haih~
em, k la... aku da xtau nk cakap pe lagi.. So, SLAMAT BERSAHUR N BERBUKA... hehehe...
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 2:16 AM 1 suapbalik
Yus.. hehehe...
Your Inner Gender is Male |
![]() You are rational, matter of fact, and quite dominant.(ehem... ehem... :p) You like to get things done, without any emotional messiness.(yup... btl la sgt2 ni) You truly don't understand most women. (ye ke? Hurmm...) And you definitely feel more comfortable around men.(Comfortable in terms of friends... Bkn gay ok... LoL~) No doubt about it. You're a guy(Yeah!!) - at least on the inside.(More accurate is, both inside n outside ler....) |
Your Power Element is Wood |
![]() Your power colors: green and brown(Yeah, green is me.. :p) Your energy: generative(Duh?) Your season: spring(Spring? Winter lg best kot...) Like a tree, you are always growing and changing.(Hohoho... Specifically towards a better future..) And while your life is dynamic, you are firmly grounded.(Grounded? Low profile? Yeap, that's so me... ekeke) You have high morals and great confidence in yourself and others.(Ish2.. anak sapa la ni ek...) You have a wide set of interests, and you make for intersting company.(In other words, a good friends.. ye ke? korg la yg jwb soklan ni ek...) |
Friday, September 14, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 2:15 AM 0 suapbalik
English or B. Malaysia? Hurm... Bm Laaa..
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 1:28 PM 2 suapbalik
My New Blog
Assalamualaikum w.b.t......
This is juz an announcement...
I made a new blog juz now... There, i'll only put pictures of mr n my frenz.. hehehe... Update it through da phone only... It's called Mobile Blogging.. So pleased to have all of u to visit my new blog.. Here's da address:
Monday, August 13, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 12:59 PM 0 suapbalik
From god we came, to god we return...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t......
I think all of u can guess what am I gonna talk about from the title,aite? Dis morning, i got an sms from my frenz.. One of my classmate in S.M.K (A) Sultan Muhammad had passed away this morning... Felt very sad.. He was a good guy during his life... Alwez try to help others... Alwez try to do something by himself without asking favours from others... If all of u noticed, once i had put his blog's shortcut in my blog.. Da name is Paradise Slammers.. Gosh, my friend juz told me last night that he was in ICU in HUPM.. This morning, when i woke up, my frenz told me that he had passed away...
In Da same class wif Alif Munji~
During school, i was in the same class with him in form 4.. I got to know him better during that short period(i transfered to another school half year later).. During that short period, henever make me angry or mad at him.. He's alwez smile as if he doesn't have any problems or sickness.. After i had transfered to my new school, which is in July, i still keep in touch with him through the Messenger... Alwez asked him about his condition..
His toughness and high spirit of surviving~
Alif is older than me, 1 year older... However, he couldn't sit for his PMR on 2002, so, he sit for the examination with my batch... It's all because of his health problem.. Alhamdulillah, he managed to sit for it on 2003...Then, together we continue our study in form 4.. Sometimes, he was absent.. But, everyone understand why... I can assure u that everyone felt pity for him... All of my classmates always try to help him, although he didn't ask for it.. After, i transfered to da new school, he still continue his study... Then in form 5, his health problems become more serious... He couldn't sit for the spm with us... And again, he had to stop studying for a while to receive treatment and rest at home... He only sit for the SPM last year, alhamdulillah... I Still contact him after that.. Only after the examination result came out, he didn't online for quite a time... and today, i received this sad news...
His death will remind us that, everyone can die at anytime and any age... He was a very good friend, an excellent student and a muslim with iman in his heart.. Let's us all recite Al-Fatihah for him.. Let's us all hope that his soul will be in calm and far2 away from badness... Let's us all pray that he will remain with Muslimin and Muslimah... Let's us all pray that he will be placed in da paradise in peace..
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 2:36 PM 21 suapbalik
Thank U God!!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....
While i'm sitting alone juz now, i thought of many things that had happened to me... All da memories during school time came one by one... Then, the memories bout my childhood with my family... Seem like i miss everything that had happened to me... Of course the one that i miss are the good things that happend...
My time with my family at home.. Always got scolded by my parent (quite seldom now).. Caned by my parent almost everyday... hehehe... Very2 naughty back then... Always made my parent mad at me... Well, u wouldn't be punished without any reason,right.. Everything that they done to me back then are for my own good... To tell me what's good & what's bad... To discipline me, so i can be a good man one day... InsyaAllah... Amin... Sometimes i made my parent mad on purpose.. huhuhu... Juz because i didn't get things that i want, do what i like to... hehehe... Majority of the things that the wouldn't allowed me to do is of course not good or bad for me... Em,some are not that bad or not bad at all... It's juz because of their sometime-over-protected behaviour that they wouldn't allowed me to do so... huhuhu... This kind of behaviour was caused by the villagers... Some of them alwez have negatives thinking in their bloody mind... Talking without thinking, i supposed... Sometimes, i juz can bare with it... Some other time, i think that it's too much... Make some story without any proofs... Or with proof that doesn't really exist...
School... full of happiness (and hateness sometimes)... Had a lot of fun with my frens.. Caught a fight with them... Hahahaha... There's one incident that i could never forget... Got a fight with Faris (primary school's friend) at the canteen... Was about to have lunch.. Then, with some reason that i couldn't remember, i had a fight with him... I got so mad, that i smack my hand on to the table... Unfortunately, I drop my hand on Ashraf's laksa... hohoho... Guess what happened next... The laksa went flying all over him... huhuhu... The next thing i realized, his shirt and face was full of laksa... huhuhu... Felt sori for him...
Then, it's time for me to continue to the secondary school... Until form 3, i didn't got into much trouble... When i transfered to Tun Perak, a lot of things happened... Not juz bad things, good things too, of course... First day at the new school, i felt very uneasy.. Had never been in a same class with girls for about 3 1/2 years... hahaha... U noe what i mean... Can't sleep during classes... hohohoh... Things only got better after i started form 5... Kinda used to the environment.. Participated in almost all of da sports activities... hahahaha... I do love sports u noe.. Then, comes the so called "love story"... Hahaha... Considering wether to write it or not... hahaha... Well, i think it's ok to talk about my past in here.. It's MY blog... It's natural for boys to get attracted to girls and vice versa, girls to get attracted to boys.. So, i admired this one girl... hahaha... Managed to get closed to her... No idea whether we had ever declared our relationship or not... After SPM, all of it were vanished... huhuhu... Maybe it's because of me, maybe it's because of her... There are only 2 possibilities, right? hahaha...
Now, everyone had step into their own way... Pursuing their ambition... Study so hard to achieve it... Sadly, we all couldn't meet each others so much... There are some, that i haven't meet after the SPM's result... huhuhu... As far as i knoe, everyone is still alive... Alhamdulillah... =P
When all of the memories disappeared, i realized how lucky i am to have such family and friends... It's all because of God's will... Alhamdulillah, Thank u god... Thanks for give me a happy family, a parent who love me so much... Thank u for giving me friends that cares bout me... Thank u for the life and health that u give me... Thank u for everything... For my family out there, i really love all of u so much... To all of my friends, i alwez hope that all of u will achieve ur ambitions and dreams... Let's us pray for our future to be as bright as the sun.. And far from bad things... AMIN....
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 2:14 AM 1 suapbalik
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows!!!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
Hye again!!! =P
Know what? I'd bought the 7th book of Harry Potter.... Hahaha.. Reading it now.... Already in chapter 12... Bought it at Kinokuniya... It cost me around RM 110... it's worth it... For me, though... hahaha.... Untill now, i really enjoy reading it... For sure... However, i feel a lil bit of sadness... It's da last book... Huhuhu... Why Rowling? Why? Huargh....
Had a futsal match against EIT juz now... We won.... 20+ to 10, if i'm not mistaken... The best part is, losers pay the game... hahahaha... Which means we played for free today... hehehehe... Quite tired now... But couldn't sleep... It's already 3 a.m... Supposed that they will ask for a rematch... We'll juz wait for it... hehehe... It was a teriific and clean game... Really enjoyed it, especially when it's for free... hahaha...
Hurmmm.... Think I'll stop now... DAAAA.......
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 2:46 AM 0 suapbalik
Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t........
I went to watch Harry Potter just now... Fantastic movie... Really... hohoho... Feel like wanna watch it again... =P Watch it at 3.45 p.m.. A lil bit late,actually... The story aren't much different from the book... Really enjoy it... Katie Leung a.k.a. Cho Chang was really adorable... Cute... hahaha... Honestly!!!
For u guyz out there who haven't watch it, juz go and u won't regret it...
Now, i'm waiting for the 7th book to be published... That will be on 21st July... Can't wait...
Friday, July 20, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 8:57 PM 2 suapbalik
The new sem is juz around da corner!!!!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....
I'm preparing to go back to kl now.... Huhuhu... Have to regisster for da new sem tomorrow... Get the result too.... huhuhu....
Wish me luck guys... Last sem was sucked... Well, not all of it... Juz a few... Damn!!!
Hope my pointer won't drop... Huhuhu....
think that's all... wanna go to MC now... Hojhohoho...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 12:12 PM 3 suapbalik
SE W850i
Here i'll give a review bout this phone...
The Reception
This phone, is amazing. Screw the 850, it does great without it, when in a basement, no dropped calls, no noise/disruption, everything is knock on wood. So in the evolution of non-850 Sony Ericsson's, this is a great choice. This phone's reception impressed me a lot. I did a couple tests, outdoors, indoors, and in the basment (best place for you 40 year olds ) The first test I did while walking, great quality, no disruption, no dropped calls, everything was steady and great, even full bars. The next test was indoors, this test was again a great test, very good reception with no problems what so ever. The last test was in the basement, I still got very good reception, almost full bars, and still no problems with dropped calls or distortion, so A+ on the reception part of the W850i.
What I was amazed about, is when compared to the W810i (850 + EDGE), it was on-par with the W850, almost exact reception, and I thought the W850 got even better quality.
Sound Quality
Incoming - The W850 has great incoming sound, pretty much in-par with other phones, but the W850 seems to be louder than my W810 and K800, which is a good thing for those who are complaining about low sound with they're handsets.
Outgoing - The outgoing sound is good aswell, as this time the mic isn't in front of your mouth, but a bit further. When testings calls, I have found that it's very clear, people can hear me well, and no static/noise/disruption in the calls. I remember recieiving a call from a friend via W600i and for some reason it sounded terrible, like I seriously mean terrible. W600's are known for having great sound, guess that one was a bad apple.
The W850i packs a nice 2MP camera; but what's that hybrid? No AF (Auto Focus) or Macro? So If you want a great camera, W850 will do the job decently, but not as well as K750, W800, W810, etc. Basically when using the camera, you have all the basic settings (Video Camera, Shoot Mode, Picture Size, Night Mode, Light, Self-Timer, Effects, White Balance, Picture Quality, Shutter Sound, Time and Date, Reset File Number, Save to) But in the W850, you have an option to select the picture size by keypad (by pressing 1 you choose either VGA, 1MP, or 2MP)
like other SE handsets, night mode is toggled by pressing 7, and the light is toggled by pressing *
This phone is very sexy, yes sexy, you heard me. When you first see this phone, it's amazing, you'll never know it's a slider, and the colour of it is nice too. I like the way they made the chrome back plate when you slide, and the back plate and front, very appealing and sleek looking.
The screen on the W850 is nice, lots of colours, sharp, and visible in sunlight, but not as bright as a W810 or a K800.
The keypad is very nice on the W850, though has a nice soft plastic feel to it. When dark, it glows snow white, and on the actual front, when in Walkman mode, all the buttons on the front are lit up orange, when out of Walkman mode, it's snow white. Very nice
What I like the most about the keypad is that is is nice and big, has space inbetween the buttons, so you don't feel that your fingers are being squished like some SE handsets. This keypad is sort of based on the W810/W300 keypad, but nicer, I find it comfortable when text messaging or dialing numbers
The front keypad is very nice. It is different, no joystick, or d-pad, but sort of a nice touch keypad. I like how you don't have to squeeze so hard to break the phone, and that's it's not too sensitive; I also like how it's been made sort of the K800, with the back, C, web, and shortcut buttons. Most of all I find great is the Walkman button, instead of the usual orange W symbol, the W850 has a orange line that lights up, when pressed it activates Walkman mode and then the whole front keypad lights orange, very nice.
Build Quality
The W850 has a nice build, knock on wood. Not one of those sliders that you barely touch and it's already open, but a great solid slider.
Walkman / Radio
Another Walkman phone. Well it does the basic things of playing songs; but taken to another level. This Walkman UI I like, it makes me want to use the phone to listen to songs rather than using an MP3 player. Let me tell you, the new Walkman UI is very nice. Featuring a new way to browse your media, being able to have album art in your songs are pretty cool, a definite + like other Walkman phones, the W850 supports MP3 and AAC file formats.The sound on this phone is great, the speaker is amazing! Crisp, clear, and LOUD sound.
The W850 comes with HPM-70's, probably the best earbud's I've ever used, and a 3.5mm adaptor incase you don't want the awesome earbuds, (i.e. using headphones). Great phone, very well built. What I don't like about the phone is the camera and the screen. If the camera had macro and auto-focus, I would sell my K800 to get this, but it doesn't hopefully they might remake the phone with those features in the future (hopefully atleast another good slider) The screen was okay...
Em, think that's all...
Owh, da price for this hp is around RM1000-RM1350..
Quite worth it..
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 9:01 AM 1 suapbalik
Went to School!!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
I went to school to collect my SPM's certificate with Aki and Wak... Aki and Wak arrived first.. I was a lil bit late... Huhuhu... After i'd collected my certificate, we went to meet the teachers... When we met wif Ckg Rogayah, she asked Aki to teach her how to make a blog... Then,we went to the computer lab and Aki taught her bout it... Next, we wnt to Nazmi's a.k.a Lantung's house... His parent's actually... LoL~...Wak and Aki's left their certificate there.. So, we went to collect it...
After that, we went to the teachers' room... There we met Ckg Jamaliah, and Ustazah Haslina... And new teachers... Quite a number of them... Hohoho... But we just ignored the new teachers... Hahaha... We left Wak at the teachers' room and went to the science lab... There, we met Ckg. Sharimah(the happy go lucky chemistry's teacher).. We had a chat for a while before we met Ckg Sazali(our physics master)... hehehe... He's still energetic as usual... Hehehe... He gave us some advice and told us to study hard for our future (exclude Wak,he's not studying.. :P)... hehehe...
Around 12.20, we make our move to go back... Hehehe.. Wak was already late to fetch his cousin... Actually he wanted to leave at 11.30, hahaha... Me and Aki managed to hold him until 12.20... hohoho... Poor Wak...
Yeah, i almost forgot... This Tuesday, me and my former classmates in Tun Perak will have a "gathering" i supposed... hehehe... we're going to MP.. Hey, it's not juz for my class only, everyone in our batch can join.. Ther merrier the better... :p
ok now... I think that's enough for now...
Haven't said it for a long time..
i wanna thank to all of u who came to visit my blogs... I really2 appreciate your support...
If u have any comments or idea to share, don't hesitate to leave it in my chat box or drop some comments...
Thank you all!!!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 2:47 PM 0 suapbalik
Holiday... Haih~
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....
I'm on holiday now... Untill 16th July... If i'm not mistaken... Huhuhu.... Dun know what to do during da holiday... I wante to find a job actually... I talked to my father bout it.. Ku told me that he's working now... Part-time, at Mahkota Hotel( b4 dis known as Century Mahkota Hotel)..
Huhuhu... I thought of joining him... But, my father told me to find a job at a Computer Shop(shop ea? What ever la).. He said that i can add more knowledge while working... Hohoho... he got a point bout it... But, where can u find a such job with my current qualification... More, i'm only going to work or less than a month... Huhuhu... If i join Ku, the hotel management will pay the fee every week... See, it's much easier... Huhuhu... I dunno what 2 do know...
Final Exam...
It started on the 11 June... The first two paper was German 2 and Structured Programing..
German was not so tough... Moderate la... But the Structured Programming really sucked... I had a big problem with the subject starting from the 2nd week of studying it... Dunno why... Most of my classmates share the same problem.. Thank God i concentrate more on this subject.. Think i'll pass it with not so good grade.. That's for sure... Hahaha...
On the 12 June, it's time for Mathematics... Hurmm... Not so easy yet not so hard... Think i can answr it.. An the marks for math will surely be higher than structured programming... Bang Zai forgot to bring his calculator during the exam... He left it at home... He called the TTo and asked for a calculator.. Before that he said that he left his calculator outside the ecamination room.. The TTO asked hi to go and get it... After he cpmes back, he said that the calculator was not there... hahaha... Then the TTo had to go down to her room and took er calculator to lend it to Bang zai... Hahaha.... He fooled the TTo...
On the 13 June, i had to sit for Basic Communication System (COS) and English 2...
I had juz a lil bit problem wif cos.. It's in the section A... However, insection B i can get at least 51/60... Hohoho... Hope so... The questions ask about the Parity Check in transmitting informations, Fibre optic practical diagram, Yagi Uda antenna and The advantages of using Fibre optic in communications... Huhuhu... Glad they asked such questions... Frankly speaking, Cos is mush easier than Structured Programming... After that was English 2.. It's all about report writings... The clarity, conciseness, accessibility and accuracy in writing report.. It can be considered as moderate... Not so hard and not so easy...
Structured Programming Assignment...
It was really sucked.. The TTO gave the assignment during the study week, which is a week before final exam's week... The questions make it more suck... It was a group assignment.. My group members was Amer, Peci,Me And Syahmi... Hohoho... Syahmi went back to terengganu a day after the final exam ended.. So, it's only me, amer and peci left... The final exam end on wednesday... I went back to Malacca on thursday morning to seek help from my sister... We try to make it done before evening... At 4 o'clock i went back to KL... Huhuhu.. Had to... My group members had no idea on how to done it... Then, i gave the assignment to Sry... Her sister teach programming in Cosmopoint.. She asked her sister to check the code... Then, her sister make some correction on it... we submitted the assignment on saturday.. Huhuhu...
Dun have ideas left to write... Think i'll stop now...
Monday, June 18, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 11:16 PM 0 suapbalik
Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
Lama sudah aku tak post ape2 kat blog kelas ni... Bukan apa, aku tak ada bahan yg hendak diutarakan... Tapi, sekarang dah ada dah...
Hari Sabtu, 2 Jun, aku pergi ke sekolah sebab ada perjumpaan untuk mewujudkan ALUMNI untuk sekolah kita... Perjumpaan ini diadakan oleh Ckg. Abd Rani. Selain itu, Ckg. Ramli, Ckg. Abu Samah dan Ckg. Rogayah turut hadir sama...
Sambutan oleh bekas2 pelajar agak kurang memberangsangkan... Sebab tak ramai sangat yang hadir.. Mungkin disebabkan ramai yang tidak dimaklumkan mengenai perjumpaan tersebut...
Perjumpaan diadakan di perpustakaan sekolah.. Bermula pada jam 10.30 pagi, Ckg Rani mulakan majlis dengan memaklumkan perkembangan2 terbaru sekolah.. Selepas itu, perlantikan YDP dan AJK2 ALUMNI diadakan..
Aku tak ingat siapa YDP dan AJK2 tersebut... InsyaAllah bila aku dapat senarai nama2 mereka, aku akan post dalam blog...
Selain dari itu, Ckg. Rani menyuarakan pendapat untuk mengadakan Mesyuarat Agung ALUMNI STP pada Hari Raya Haji nanti.. Tarikhnye belum ditetapkan lagi.. Yang pasti, bukan pada 1 Zulhijjah.. Sekiranya ada sebarang cadangan dan bantahan, boleh diutarakan dalam blog ini.
Ckg Rani ada mengetengahkan masalah yang dihadapi oleh sekolah sekarang ini.. Keadaan pelajar2 yang kurang bersemangat untuk belajar.. Mungkin dengan adanya ALUMNi ini dapat membantu pihak sekolah untuk memberi motivasi dan semangat kepada pelajar2 STP untuk terus belajar..
Sebelum ini, beberapa orang bekas pelajar antaranya Khairul Anuar dan Nurhayati telah dipanggil untuk memberikan motivasi kepada pelajar2 STP.. Ckg Rani berharap, akan lebih ramai lagi bekas2 pelajar yang akan tampil untuk memberikan motivasi dan semangat kepada mereka..
Kepada semua bekas2 pelajar STP bermula dari tahun 2001 sehingga 2005,InsyaAllah, anda akan menerima surat daripada AJK ALUMNI mengenai pendaftaran dan aktiviti2 yang akan dijalankan. Anda semua juga boleh menghubungi Muhammad Faiz Bin Parman..
Akhir sekali, Ckg Rani berharap agar semua bekas2 pelajar dari tahun 2001 sehingga 2005 dapat memberikan kerjasama untuk menjayakan Persatuan ALUMNI STP ini..
Sebarang pertanyaan serta maklum balas mahupun cadangan dan bantahan bolehlah disuarakan di dalam blog ini...
Monday, June 04, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 12:03 AM 0 suapbalik
Rent a house??
My cousin told me that we won't be able to stay in the hostel next semester... Why? One of da reason is because our room had a lot of stealing cases.. Damn... The other reason is that the administration want to let the freshies to stay in the hostel,of course... I heard that the next intake which is in June, they'll be greater amount of freshies will join us.. Maybe because we'll transfer to the new campus next year... The campus is bigger, so they need more student to fill it... Starting next semester, GMI will will conduct degree courses... Network Security will be one of it... So, I have other choices than UTM... Thin i'll continue in GMI...
Now, because of the news we got from my cousins, me & my roommates went to search for a house to rent... After I'd called the owner of the houses, we went to look at da houses... We look at 3 apartments and 1 condo.. We decided to take the condominium... We'll rent it for RM 670 per month.. The house have 3 bedrooms and 2 toilets... Quite big and comfortable... It's quite worth it with da price..We'll move in on the 1st June.. Hehehehe.... Can't wait... :P
Hurmm... Dunno what else to say... Think i'll stop now...
Friday, May 18, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 1:10 PM
Bad Luck was it?
Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
Hye everyone! Haven't post any new thing for a long time ea.. Hurm. What am i going to talk about ea?? Last 2 weeks my handphone was stolen... Again.. damn... So mad yet so calm... hahaha... Kind of used to it... Weird ea? THis time I'd suspected my roommate.. So, i discussed with the others to decide what to do.. So,last thursday we went to talk with him and ask him to confess... However, he didn't.. I got so mad and I told him that we're going to make a police report and include him as the suspect so that the police will take him in.. He said that he don't agree with ith because he's not clean at that time. Maybe he'd taken some drugs or sumthing else... I told him clean or not,thst's his problem not mine.. Haih... But i haven't made the report yet.. Maybe today..
Hey, i went for a hair cut last Wednesday.. Hehehe... New hair style everyone.. :p Dun have any picture of it to show 2 u guys... I kinda like this new style.. hohoho.. but my mom don't..
Hurm.. dunno what 2 say anymore.. lalalala... Aha..
manchester lost to Ac Milan in theSemi final of the Champions League... Huhuhu... So dissapointed... Their performance was quite bad... Not be abled to score any goal on the second game... Well, look into the bright side, they can concentrate more to win the EPL.. hehehe... They beat Everton to get 3 full mark and Chelsea had a draw with Bolton... Manchster lead the league with 5 points... Yeah!
Hurm,thin ill stop now...
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 5:56 PM 0 suapbalik
Let's help each other... :-)
Assalamualaikum w.b.t......
Hye everyone!! I've got sumthing that's quite interesting to tell all of... Maybe some of u already know bout it... well, juz pretend that u dunno anything... Have u ever heard of "surf junky"? It's a website that give u money... Whether it's true or not, i dunno... Juz wanna let u know that i'd already registered... Juz to try my luck...
Now, i'll tell u how it works... First click on this URL: Cannot? Juz copy and paste it in your address box... Then u will need to register... There's a sign up button on the left. Juz click it and enter your information... After that, u are officially registered under me.. Then, u need to get as many people as you can to register under yourself. You will be paid USD0.47 per hour.. The fee will increase after u get 100 people registered under ur name.. I know some of u will say that this is same as the Multi-level-marketing,right? Unfortunately, u r wrong... This thing here will not ask u to pay even a cent... How come they can pay u? Think bout this: How did the web master of popular sites such as google, yahoo, wikipedia and many more sites can be billionaire? It's because, the more people surf through their web, the more money they can get... The same goes to this web, however we can't get as many as the web master,of course... Juz a few percent.. But that will do, right? juz ask people to register and surf the web and u will be paid...
So, why don't u start now and together we'll see the result... Again i'll ask for your kindness to go to this link and REGISTER...
Thanx for those who'll do it...
Hurm, i think i'll stop here... Till the, er, dun forget to register ok... :P
Monday, April 16, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 11:48 PM 1 suapbalik
Why? Why me? Arghhh!!!!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....
Last Tuesday,my laptop was stolen.. huhuhu... Not juz my laptop,my 2 other friends laptop were stolen too... Huhuhu... In juz one noght, 3 laptop were stolen... Shocking right? It's true... So, can't stand bout it, i went to the police station to make a report... I went there about 11 p.m.... I was there for 2 hours... Huhuhu... Dunno what'll happen.... They said that they will take action, but untill now there's nothing happen... Huhuhuhu... Hope that the stealer will return it back to me... If not, i hope he'll die as soon as possible... Fall in to a drain or whatever.. As long as he die... C'mon la, if u're that poor, no need to steal others property.. Go toPuduraya or somewhere elseand bring along a cup... Sit at the side of the road, and ask for others bless.. That's much better than stealing... Now, no offence to others ok,i juz referring those sentences to the stealer... I felt sad for his mother to gave birth to him... Brings no good to others.. Juz making others life difficult.. Juz like some people said, "KECIK2 XNK MAMPOS,DA BESAR MENYUSAHKAN ORANG.. BODOH!!!"...
I'm in examination week now, couldn't concentrate much b'coz of it... See,it's all bcoz of the stealer... It's it true that averything that happened have some goods thing behind it... Somehow, i'm not that strong to to be so patient..
Tomorrow,i'll be having a practical test.. Need to set up a Network using Routers and Switches.. So many commands to remember... Huhuhu... On the evening i;ll be having a football match... Dun think i could make it... My practical test start at 3.30 p.m.. Finish at 5.00 p.m... Players need to gather at GMI at 3.30 p.m... huhuhu... It's an official match... No more friendly... We're all going to play in the league... Dun see any ways that we can win da league... hahahaha...
Erm,think i'll stop now... Till then,DAAAAAAAAAAAAAA............
Friday, March 30, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 6:04 PM 0 suapbalik 'riddled' with malware
Assalamualaikum w.b.t..
Here is some info bout Not a good one though...., home of the weblog publishing system owned by Google, has been infiltrated by a number of phishing sites, security watchers report.
In some cases, the Stration mass mailer is being used to drive traffic to these fraudulent sites. One such scam is a "storefront" for Pharmacy Express, which redirects from a (now link. The site is designed to harvest the personal information of prospective marks.
Beyond the problem of spam and phishing sites, a number of sites have been compromised with malicious code. For example, a blog site seemingly created by a Honda CR450 enthusiast is hosting the Wonka Trojan.
Hundreds of other Blogging sites (covering subjects ranging from Star Wars, school, furniture, Christmas, cars, and girlfriends) are also infected, according to net security appliance firm Fortinet, which has published an advisory highlighting its concerns.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 7:58 PM 0 suapbalik
I'm totally MAD!!!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
In this post, i wanna tell all of u bout a totally unacceptable incident that happened to me... I bought a handphone last Wednesday night... It's a Sony Ericsson,K750i... I felt very excited... Some how, that feeling didn't last long... On da thursday evening, someone stole my handphone... Damn... I'm really mad bout it.. Haven't used it for a day,it had been stolen.. Try to imagine it... Huh! I wish da stealer will die in front of me while ask for my forgiveness.. I'm really2 mad,u know... Wish i'd know who did it... Hope he'll die in da most embarassing way... Serve him right...
Done wif da stealing story...
Now, i heard that a candidate from S.M.K Tun Perak got 12As this year.. If that's true, then it means that it had been 2 years in a row the school had an extraordinary results... Well, congratz to that particular person.. Da most important thing is, congratulations to da Teachers of SMK Tun Perak.. They all had done a great job to achieve such level,and for sure they'll alwez be... U all are the best teacher in da world... I don't know much about da Spm's result.. Don't bother to tell me,though... Not quite interested,actually... hahaha...
hurmmm... Dunno what 2 say anymore, think i'll stop here... daaaaaaaaaa..........
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 2:36 PM 0 suapbalik
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Hola everyone.. Dunno what's 2 say... Juz wanna update my blog,since my sis wan't me to do so.. I am updating my blog now.. Em,in my last post, i wrote that I will be involved in GMi Open Day. However, i quit from it... Juz don't have interest in it... hahahaha....
I'd juz return from my cousin's house.. Went there since Friday.. Em,dunno what 2 say... huhuhuhu... Em,think i'll stop now... hahahahaha....
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 4:10 PM 0 suapbalik
So Bored...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
Guten Tag!
Hi everyone.. It has been almost a week i'm staying at home... Quite boring... Duh.. Dunno what to do... Juz hanging around wif my friends.. Tomorrow i'll go back to KL. Early eh? I have a football match this saturday... Like it or not, i have to go back there.. Frankly speaking, i prefer to stay there.. Love to hang out wif my frenz there.. Far from my family.. Can feel the meaning of freedom there... Hahaha...
Tomorrow,InsyaAllah i'll go back wif my friend,we call him Peci, wif his motorcycla... Juz now, my dad Didn't allowed me to do so... Afraid that i'll involved in accident or sumthing... Huhuhu... It;s not like i'll be riding the bike like a mad guy on the highway... Of course i'll try to be safe all da time... If i meet with an accident, it's not because of going back wif da bike... It's because it is meant so by God... Even if i go back wif da bus, if God say i'll meet with an accident, then it;ll be so... Yeah, i know he cares about me, but i'm not a man that don't know about road safety or sort of... C'mon la, how can i have my license if i don't know bout da road safety.. Parents eh...
Now, i'm thinking of what kind of excuses should i give ta my fren if i can't go back wif him.. Do u expect him to travel all the way from Malacca to Kl alone on bike? It'll be his first time.. I had promised to accompany him... Hope that tomorrow, there is something that'll make my dad change his mind.. Really2 hope so...
Hurmmm.... Da selection for GMi football team is still on... It had been a month already... We had played aroun 3 to 4 friendly match... But, still they didn't select the real player... Dunno why... Maybe beause we lost to all the team that we played to... Hahaha... Keep losing all da time... Hope to win it this Saturday... Please God...
GMi will hold an Open Day on 3rd March... I'll have been ask to participate under German ang English language booth which they call Germanic Station.. or booth... So,for those SPM leavers, if u r interested, feel free to come and ask...
Em, i think i'll stop now... Dunno what to say anymore... DAAAA......
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 10:56 PM 1 suapbalik
Holiday's Program...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....
Dalam post aku kali ni, aku nak bgtau korg sumthg...
Detail benda yg aku nak gtau adalah sprti brikut:
Perkara: Konvoi ke Sagil
Tarikh : 19/02/2007
Maksudnye, ader konvoi nak g sagil ahad ni... So,pd sesape yg nak join samada laki atau pompuan,blh la contact Farid Hussein... Jom kite g reramai...
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 12:32 AM 1 suapbalik
Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
Wargh!!! Aku ngah boring giler ni... Xtau nak watpe... 4 ari xder klas... Dok kat blik je.... Nasub bek ader internet ni... Hehehe.... Korg mesti sedang tertanya-tanya camne lak bilik aku ni ader internet,kan? Ni la aku nak habaq kat korang, ari tu maxis ader wat promotion "Maxis Broadband".. Diorang bagi free trial selama 30 ari... So,aku pn subscribe la... Ni baru je dapat modem dier 2 ari lepas.... Speed dier lembab ar.... Tapi,boleh la daripada xder langsung... So, skang ni aku slalu gak la on9... Slalu gak la on ku nya YM... Sape2 yg nak add aku kat YM diorang, ni aku nye Yahoo! ID: ko_e83... Sila la ye...
Em,smalam aku ader friendly match... Bola.... Lawan ngan Mara KL... Dgn banggenye aku cakap kitorang kalah 2-1... Aku on main kejap je... Second half baru aku masuk.... Tu pn cam nak mati da aku main.... Pancit ar.... Ni sume sebab banyak sangat smoking ar... Huhuhuhu.... So,bg korg yg br nak try smoking tu, try ar... Aku x mar pn, sebab korg bukannye gune duit aku pn... Wakakaka..... Tapi bg yg suka sgt men bola, nanti korg akan senang pancit... Hahahaha.... padan la muke korg nanti... Bg yg da memang smokers tu, marila same2 kite menyahut seruan kerajaan untuk berhenti merokok... Weh,aku ngah try ni... Tapi, bapak susah ar.... hahaha... Awek aku pn da dok bising aku dok smoking.... Buat awek aku: nk wat camne yang,ngah try nak berenti la ni... Sbr ye.... :)
Aku da xtau le nk cakap ape.... Blur... Ntah apsal ntah... Mngkn sebb aku xmndi lagi kot.... Em,keyla... Aku nak g mandi ni... Chow...
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 2:30 PM 1 suapbalik
Assalamualaikmm w.b.t.....
Hey, everyone! It had been a long time since my last post.. Quite busy with my study... But now, i'm free... So, here i am, facing the computer while typing sumthing that i actually don't know from where does it come from... hehehehe...
I went for a football selection this morning.. Actually last saturday i went for da selection also... Today was supposed to be the final selection, but the management is not satisfied with our performance.. So, the had decided to have a friendly match with a division one club... Have no idea what club will it gonna be... However, i don't think i'll be able to make it by saturday... Why? bcoz,i'm in malacca now... Juz arrived this evening... Huhuhu... Quite tired now... :( Anyway, the selection was okay... But, the chance to make it into the team is 50-50.. I played as a defender... there are about 10 people try play the same position as me... Hope to make it into the team...
Last week(i guess), all of my friends were having so much fun because they had received their loan... Sadly, there are two person that didn't received the cheque... The person is me and my classmate... We haven't received any cheque untill now... And yesterday, some of them received another RM2000 from MARA... But still my name is not in da list... Huhuhu... Dunno what to do... Juz wait for da money... waaaaaaaa........ :'(
Last saturday, after da football selection, i went to Low Yatt Plaza... My friend wanna buy a computer, so he asked me to look at the specification of da PC... His budget is around RM1800... So, we went to serach for the PC... After one hour of searching, we finally found a computer that suit da budget and have a quite excellent specification... So he bought it... Then, i went to the Time Square.. Juz had a window shopping wif my frenz... Accompanied him to a saloon to have a hair cut and bought a VCD... Then, we went to "Borders", a bookshop... There i found my favourite book, Harry Potter... hehehe... The latest series which had been release for quite a long time, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.. Bought it for RM39.90... Quite excited that time... So, as soon as i reached da hostel i began to read it... Frankly speaking, it is an interesting book... Fantastic for sure... Finisher read it for about three days... hehehe...
dunno what to type anymore... So, i'll stop now...
Thanx everyone....
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 10:32 PM 0 suapbalik
New Year, 2007!!!!!!!!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
My God! It's already 2007... Happy New Year everyone! Nowadays it seems like the time travel faster then the old times.. I'm turning on 19 this year... Can't wait to get bcak to GMI & meet my housemate... Quite miss them... hehehe... I thought of going back to KL on 13th, though i can only register on the 14th of January... I need to clean up da room ad all other thing that need to be prepare... I guess all of my housemate will be back on 13th too... Maybe earlier..
I still don't know the result for the final exam... Huh.. It's killing me to wait for it... Some said that the result will be mailed and some said the result will be given during the registration... Me dunno which one is right.. Hope that I won't need to repeat any subject..i thought of asking my lecturer via SMS.. but, dun wanna disturb their vacation... So, juz wait till the day of the registration...
I wonder what's is the syllabus for my second semester.. tougher i supposed... huhuhu... Dun have to study physics anymore... It cheer me up a bit.. But juz a lil bit... I still have to study digital.. It's is important in Network Security... I bet that on my 2nd sem i'll be studying computer languages like Java, C++ and so on... Some said that it is hard to understand.. huhuhu... I'll try my best...
Yesterday, was Hari Raya Aidiladha... My father held a Qurban at the house.. There were 1 cow and 7 goats been slaughtered.. It all finished before Asar..
There is an interesting "interface" that i wan't to share with all of you.. Have you heard of "google earth"? It's a kind of interface that let you watch the map of every country in the world.. Didn't find it interesting yet? How bout this... Ucan even see your house for about 200 feet from the air... It's a picture that had been taken by satelite.. So, it's a real picture.. however u won't see any cars or people moving in that maps, because it's not a live view... U can get da live one for a price that is quite suitable for those who really need it... Damn.. I don't know what am i talking bout... What am i trying to say is that u need to pay to get the live view and i don't remember how much.. hehehe... Try to doenload it... It's free of course...
And try to think about this... If the USA can give u such thing for free, what kind of more advanced thing that they have out there... There's a rumour said that they can even detect a moving tennis ball on earth via satelite... However, they still couldn't detect the hiding place of Osama Bin Laden,right? hehehehe...
Well, i dunno what more to be said... Happy New Year again... May this year brings more peace,prosperity and good luck for all of us... Daaaaaaa.........
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Yg memerah otak Anonymous at 12:00 AM 1 suapbalik